Competitive and Uncompetitive Inhibition – Reversible Inhibition (Part -1)

Competitive and Uncompetitive Inhibition – Reversible Inhibition (Part -1)

Problem in understanding reversible inhibitions?? Not anymore, here is an easy way to understand what happens to Vmax and Km values and Lineweaver Burk plot following these inhibitions. So let’s get started 🙂

Lineweaver Burk Plot – Double Reciprocal Plot

Lineweaver Burk Plot – Double Reciprocal Plot

Lineweaver Burk plot is also known as Double reciprocal plot which is derived by taking reciprocal of Michaelis-Menten equation on both the sides. It was described by Hans Lineweaver and Dean Burk in 1934.

It is used in enzyme kinetics to determine the Km and Vmax values which helps to understand the type of reversible inhibition is present in the system because the plot represents a straight line.

Competitive and Uncompetitive Inhibition – Reversible Inhibition (Part -1)

Mixed and Noncompetitive Inhibition-Reversible Inhibition (Part -2)

For more details on enzyme kinetics visit here.