DNA Replication – Prokaryotes

DNA Replication – Prokaryotes

All you need to know about DNA replication in prokaryotes is here. At 4:48, I have explained the OriC or origin of replication. At 17:57, I have explained leading and lagging strand. At 28:27, I have listed all the proteins and enzymes involved in replication in order. So let’s get started πŸ™‚

Enzymes Involved in DNA Replication of Prokaryotes

Enzymes Involved in DNA Replication of Prokaryotes

DNA Replication in prokaryotes is one of the most important topics. To understand the whole basic mechanism of replication; there is this one thing I always felt while studying that would have been great if I find a list of all the enzymes involved in the process in order. So I tried and made my list which really helped me, especially during exam for quick revision. In this post I am sharing the list of enzymes involved in DNA replication of prokaryotes.

Sr. No. Enzyme Involved Key Role
1. Dna A Recognizes and binds to Ori C
2. Dna C Loads Dna B
3. Dna B (Helicase) Breaks the H-bonds between two DNA strands
4. SSB Protein (Single Stranded DNA Binding Protein) Prevents ssDNA from re-forming a double helix
5. Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Removes topological stress
6. Dna G (Primase) Synthesizes primers
7. DNA Pol. III Synthesizes new strands of DNA in 5’à3’ direction
8. DNA Pol. I Removes primers (has exonuclease activity)

Fills the gap created (has polymerase activity)

9. DNA Ligase Seals the gap by formation of phosphodiester bond
10. Topoisomerase IV Separates DNA catenanes

I hope this post helps πŸ™‚

To understand more in details about the DNA replication process in prokaryotes, watch a video on this topic here.